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Texas Product Defect Lawyers

Product defects claims are very broad as there is such a wide variety of products that could be defected, thereby causing injury. Product defect cases range from a child’s toy that has choking hazards to automobiles which explode for no apparent reason. Every year thousands of people are hurt or even killed as a result of product defects. Many of these products are recalled once the injuries and fatalities have been reported but this does nothing to compensate the victim in the case. In order to receive compensation for a defective product that has caused bodily harm, it will be necessary to file a claim.defective products attorneys
Keep in mind that product defects are generally categorized in three ways, manufacturing defects, design defects and of course marketing defects. A manufacturing defect is something that happens during the process of assembling or building the product, a design defect is a mistake in the blueprint or plans for the product that leads to injury, and a marketing defect is just as it sounds; the product was not labeled for use properly or not advertised correctly.
If any of the three scenarios mentioned above can be proven then a person who has suffered an injury as a result is eligible for compensation for his/her pain and suffering. In the case of a loved one losing his/her life as a result of product defects then wrongful death may be put on the table as well.

Never assume to know whether or not you have legal grounds to file a claim for product defects. Always seek sound legal advice and representation to be certain as to how strong of a case you may have. At our law firm we believe in taking cases that we know to carry strength and we will honestly advise you on the best course of action. Call us and set up an appointment to come in and speak with one of our highly skilled and qualified attorneys if you have suffered an injury due to what you believe in a product defect.

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